Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Even if health website works, Obamacare could see trouble ahead

A busy screen is shown on the laptop of a Certified Application Counselor as he attempted to enroll an interested person for Affordable Care Act insurance in Miami By David Morgan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration says it is on target to make its problematic healthcare insurance website work smoothly for the "vast majority" of users by this weekend, but some Americans who want coverage by January 1 might not be able to get it - even if they successfully navigate the portal and sign up for a plan. The problem, according to insurance industry officials and other specialists, is that the administration is behind schedule in building a computer program needed to verify the names and coverage choices of enrollees in the system created by the Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare. Besides verifying enrollees, the computer program - which administration officials acknowledge will not be finished until mid-January or even February - also will be used to help determine which low-income enrollees are eligible for government subsidies to help them pay for insurance, and to make sure that those subsidies get to insurers. That makes the program, known generally as the "back end" of the Obamacare bureaucracy, crucial to the new health system's goal of helping millions of uninsured and under-insured Americans.

via Health News Headlines - Yahoo! News

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